Author/Editor     Horvat, Matjaž
Title     Jetrne resekcije
Translated title     Hepatic resection
Type     članek
Source     Med Mes
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 3
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 5-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, accounting for approximately 2% to 3% of the total body weight of an adult. Despite its multiple vital functions and its regenerative abilities, the liver has been missunderstood at nearly all levels of organization and in almost every period since Galen. The most paradoxical aspect of the understanding of hepatic anatomy has not been the lack of knowledge but questions of interpretation. Author reviews the details of the anatomic and functional lobar structure of the liver as well as its segmental anatomy from the surgeon's point of view.
Summary     Jetra so največji notranji organ v telesu in znašajo približno 2% - 3% celotne teže odraslega človeka. Kljub številnim življenjsko pomembnim funkcijam in regeneracijskim sposobnostim so bila jetra od Galena naprej pogosto na vseh organizacijskih ravneh svoje strukture napačno razumljena. Najbolj presenetljiv vidik nesporazumov okoli jetrne anatomije je dejstvo, da temu ni botrovalo pomanjkanje znanja temveč različne interpretacije. Avtor podaja pregled jetrne anatomije (lobarne in segmentalne) z zornega kota kirurga.
Descriptors     LIVER