Author/Editor     Može, Majda
Title     Pridobivanje nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij na področju zdravstvene nege
Translated title     National vocational qualifications in nursing care
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 39-45
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the problem of certificate system as an element which would act as an impetus for the employed to broaden their knowledge and skills in the frames of their vocation. The certificate would thus become an addition to the formal training for a specific vocation which would in turn become useful, transparent and an option for already employed to continue with their studies or for the young still deciding about their further studies. The certificate system is a part of educational process which is becoming the basis of the new society of knowledge and in which learning is not just an exclusive period to employment.
Summary     V članku obravnavam problem certifikatnega sistema kot elementa, ki bi zaposlene v zdravstveni dejavnosti spodbujal in vodil do nadgradnje in razširitve znanja in spretnosti v svoji poklicni usposobljenosti. Certifikat bi v zdravstvu postal nadgradnja znanja formalnega izobraževanja posameznega poklica in ga na ta način napravil uporabnega, transparentnega in privlačnega za nadaljevanje študija že zaposlenih ali mladih, ki se šele odločajo za poklic. Cetrtiftkatni sistem je del izobraževalnega procesa, ki postaja bistvo nove »družbe znanja«, s tem da učenje ne more biti nič več samo enkraten dogodek pred pričetkom delovnega živIjenja.
Descriptors     NURSING CARE