Author/Editor     Baznik, Simona
Title     Podpora staršem ob izgubi kritično bolnih otrok v enotah intenzivne zdravstene nege in terapije
Translated title     Supporting parents when they lose critical ill child in intensive nursing and intensive care units
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 47-53
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with experiences of parents and critically ill children on intensive care units. ln the literature survey, critically ill children and their parents are being followed during their stay in the intensive care unit, at the moment when the parents learn that their child is going to die and at death itself. The purpose of the literature survey was to improve the quality of active attendance to the parents of critically ill and dying children in intensive care units, as well as to be able to form propositions for better ractice and for staff education. The article also describes fears and feeling of failure the parents are confronted with when death of their child becomes imminent, as well as the work of nurses and other health professionals in intensive are units. Care theory of Jean Watson was used. In the end ie author gives advice to health workers regarding their eactions when a child dies, and forms proposition for qualitative attendance to the parents when their child dies and during the mourning process.
Summary     Izvleček - V članku so na teoretični ravni obravnavana doživljanja staršev in kritično bolnih otrok v enotah intenzivne zdravstvene nege in terapije. V pregledu literature so spremIjani kritično bolni otroci in njihovi starši med bivanjem v enotah intenzivne zdravstvene nege in terapije, med spoznanjem, da bo otrok umrl in pri sami smrti. Avtorica je pregled literature opravila z namenom, da bi se izboljšala kakovost aktivnega spremljanja staršev kritično bolnih otrok in umrlih otrok v enotah intenzivne zdravstvene nege in terapije, ter z namenom, da bi podala predloge za uspešnejše delovanje v praksi in za izobraževanje osebja. Opisani so strahovi in neuspehi, s katerimi se soočajo starši ob spoznanju, da bo njihov otrok umrl, ter delo medicinskih sester in drugih zdravstvenih delavcev v enotah intenzivne zdravstvene nege in terapije. Uporabljena je teorija skrbi Jean Watson. V zaključku avtorica svetuje zdravstvenim delavcem, kako naj ravnajo ob dogodkih, kot je smrt otroka, in oblikuje predloge za kakovostno spremljanje staršev ob smrti otrok in pozneje v žalovanju.
Descriptors     CRITICAL ILLNESS