Author/Editor     Gaber, Sandra
Title     Spodbujanje kakovostnega odnosa med materjo in otrokom pri hranjenju od rojstva do osnovne šole - (1. del)
Translated title     Promotion of attachment in mother-child relationship during feeding from birth to primary school - (part 1)
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 55-61
Language     slo
Abstract     ln the article, the author presents theoretical grounds on the basis of' literature survey in Slovenian and other languages on family dynamics and related to the nrocess of attachment among preschool children and parent/caretakers during feeding in different environments. The article presents the family and relations within it, the philosophy of family centered nursing care and the attachment process of mother and child in general. Feeding activities of preschool children and relations between them and their caretakers are presented in different environments-home, kindergarten and hospital. Literature survey going on from September 2003 until February 2004 included specialized databases and covered critical selection of theories and their presentation. The author's intention was to stress the need for the promotion of qualitative relatinus during feeding which is, according to her opinion, under estimated. At the same time, the author encourages nurses to start thinking about active planning and carrying out of quality relationships in general, and during feeding as well, vhich all leads to quality relations between parents/caretakers and children.
Summary     Avtorica v članku predstavi teoretična izhodišča na osnovi pregleda slovenske in tuje literature o dinamiki v družinah in v zvezi s procesom navezovanja med starši/skrbniki in otroci ter hranjenjem predšolskih otrok v različnih okoljih. Predstavljeni so družina in oblikovanje odnosov v njej, filozofija v družino usmerjene zdravstvene nege ter proces navezovanja med starši/skrbniki in otroki nasploh in med hranjenjem. Aktivnost hranjenja predšolskih otrok, vključno z odnosom hraniteljev do otrok, predstavi v različnih okoljih - v domačem, v vrtcu in v bolnišnici. Pregled literature je potekal v secializiranih bazah znanj - od septembra 2003 do februarja 2004 in vključeval pregled slovenske in tuje literature s kritično izbiro trditev in njihovo predstavitvijo. Avtorica želi opozoriti na potrebo po spodbujanju kakovostnega odnosa med hranjenjem, saj se slednjemu namenja premalo pozornosti. Obenem avtorica spodbuja medicinske sestre k razmišljanju v smeri aktivnega načrtovanja in izvajanja aktivnosti spodbujanja kakovostnih odnosov nasploh in med hranjenjem ter s tem kakovostnega navezovanja med starši/skrbniki in otroki.