Author/Editor     Pejković, Božena
Title     Funkcionalna anatomija ramenskega sklepa
Translated title     Functional anatomy of the glenohumeral joint
Type     članek
Source     Med Mes
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 5
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 13-20
Language     slo
Abstract     The shoulder joint or the glunohumeral joint is the most mobile joint in human body, due to its morphology and the laxity of its fibrous capsule. The structures that stabilize the joint are the muscles that, together with their tendons, form a "cuff" around the joint (the so called rotator cuff). Injuries of these muscles are very frequently the cause of sick shoulder syndrome, as well as the dislocation of the long head tendon of the biceps brachii muscle from the intertubercular groove.
Summary     Ramenski sklep (articulatio humeri, articulatio glenohumeralis) je, zahvaljujoč svoji morfologiji in ohlapnosti fibrozne ovojnice, najgibljivejši sklep v človeškem telesu. Strukture, ki fiksirajo sklepne ploskve in stabilizirajo sklep, so mišice, ki s svojimi tetivami tvorijo "rokav" ali "manšeto" okoli sklepa. Poškodba teh mišic je zelo pogosto vzrok sindroma boleče rame. Bolečine v rami lahko povzroča tudi dislokacija tetive dolge glave dvoglave nadlaktne mišice (m. bicepsa brachii) iz bicipitalnega sulkusa (sulcus intertubercularisa).
Descriptors     SHOULDER JOINT