Author/Editor     Franić, Damir
Title     Nadomestno hormonsko zdravljenje - kje smo danes?
Translated title     Hormone replacement therapy - where are we today?
Type     članek
Source     In: Kopčavar-Guček N, Petek D, Rotar-Pavlič D, editors. Kakovostna obravnava bolnika v družinski medicini: izbrana poglavja s področja vodenja bolnika z rakom, bolečino, psihiatrija, ginekologija, angiologija, gastroenterologija in delavnice. Zbornik predavanj 31. srečanje delovnih skupin; 2005 maj 27-28; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 65-72
Language     slo
Abstract     Population are getting older and older worldwide, so postmenopausal women will survive one third of her life during the postmenopausal period. Therefore, they have to be aware regarding quality of life during that period. Since the sixties year of the last century, HRT seemed to be a gold standard for preventive as well as therapeutic strategies in solving the postmenopausal complains. Most of the epidemiological and observational studies have shown that HRT was useful not only in therapy of short-term consequences of menopause (neurovegetative complains), but also in therapy of long-term consequences (osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease). Randomized clinical trials, WHI have been the most important, were taken place in the last decade of the evidence based medicine era. WHI study excluded radioprotection effect of the HRT, emphasized its influence on breast cancer risk, showing the apparent increase of tromboembolic events, strokes, coronary heart diseases and in the same time decreased risks of colon cancer and osteoporotic fractures. Unfortunately, WHI study included an old women (63 years in average), on the same therapeutic regimen, mostly have been not healthy, some of them were overweight, some of them were even obese and used another drugs. Therefore the results of the WHI study were inconvinient for the clinical practice. According that, all leading menopausal societies worldwide, recommended a new guidelines for the hormone treatment of the postmenopausal women. HRT remains the therapy of choice for the treatment of climacteric syndrome, prevention and therapy of urogenital syndrome and premature menopause, and prevention of osteoporosis of perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women, as well.
Descriptors     MENOPAUSE