Author/Editor     Košorok, Viktorija
Title     Celovita rehabilitacijska obravnava nezgodne možganske poškodbe
Translated title     Comprehensive rehabilitation approach after traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Type     članek
Source     In: Košorok V, Grabljevec K, editors. Poškodba glave - vpliv celovite nevrorehabilitacijske obravnave na funkcijski izid. Zbornik predavanj 16. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2005 mar 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 9-17
Language     slo
Abstract     Traumatic brain injury is currently a leading cause of death and disability of the younger generation. Its consequences are deeply devastating not only for the survivors whose life patterns and skills are destroyed, and the rest potentials impaired, but also for their families and the society itself. Physical, mental, emotional and behavioral disturbances with consequent unemployment and social dependence means a radical decline in the quality of life and well-being of the patient and his family as well as severe financial burden to the family and society. Recovery from a brain injury is not a time limited endeavor, but rather, a life-long progressive process, especially when provided a challenging and rewarding environment. Carefully planned, goal oriented, interdisciplinary team approach to meet the need of the individual patient is essential. It requires a high degree of motivation, the ability to learn and master new informations and knowledge, and most of all, active collaboration, awarness of the deficits, remaining abilities and strenghts, understanding of therapeutic goals, insight and reasonable expectations. Spontaneus recovery in the early period after the injury marks the beginning of the establishment of new connections and pathways. In the case of severe injuries this is often insufficient and limited and has to be enhanced through specžfic therapeutic approaches. The general role of the neurorehabilitation program is to restore function through (re)learning new skills, compensatory strategies and substitutional behavior, which allow the patient to return to society with an optimal independency. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     BRAIN INJURIES