Author/Editor     Sever, Alenka
Title     Zgodnja nevropsihološka rehabilitacija po nezgodni možganski poškodbi
Translated title     Early neuropsychological treatment after traumatic brain injury
Type     članek
Source     In: Košorok V, Grabljevec K, editors. Poškodba glave - vpliv celovite nevrorehabilitacijske obravnave na funkcijski izid. Zbornik predavanj 16. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2005 mar 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 105-11
Language     slo
Abstract     Technological progress of intensive therapy persons with severe and moderate traumatic brain injury makes possible for many injured persons to survive, but with residual handicaps. Research work and clinial experience indicate, that thr impairments of mental systems are freqent as major cause of disability and prevent successful psychosocial reintegration. According to this facts and results of neurobiodogical study of brain plasticity several procedures of intradisciplinary rehabilitations have been developed; the very fist phase - the neurosensory stimulation has to begin in the moment, when the survivor is cardiocirculaty stable enough. The procedure must be performed on regular base; we have to track the responseviness of survivor. Results of clinical studies indicate shorter duration of coma in PTA in better outcome.
Descriptors     BRAIN INJURIES