Author/Editor     Radonjić-Miholič, Vesna
Title     Zakaj lahko poškodba glave ovira kakovost življenja?
Translated title     Why can brain injury impede the quality of life?
Type     članek
Source     In: Košorok V, Grabljevec K, editors. Poškodba glave - vpliv celovite nevrorehabilitacijske obravnave na funkcijski izid. Zbornik predavanj 16. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2005 mar 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 197-207
Language     slo
Abstract     The quality of life is a very important but at the same time a very subjective category. lt expresses the level of actualization of our potential abilities in accordance with our values, social integration, participation in creating and enjoying prosperity in the social environment. Traumatic brain injury often interferes dramatically with the lives of the patients and people close to them. The most frequent factors endangering the patients' quality of life: ◆ Uarious consequences that impede independent self-care and effective performance of social roles. Recovery is a long, unsteady process and prognoses are uncertain. ◆ A large part of the consequences of brain injuries (mostly those related to mental health) remain long disregarded by the patients, their relatives and too often by health care workers. For that reason, the patients do not participate in appropriate recovery programs, do not develop compensatory behaviors and gradually endanger their social roles in daily life. ◆ Incomplete and unrelated help to patients and their relatives during recovery after traumatic brain injury. The true scope of the consequences of brain injury can be comprehended only after the patients return to their environment and try to resume the style of life from before the injury. Many problems arise during that period and timely and efficient help in finding solution.s can significantly improve the level and the quality of social integration. ◆ Our society holds numerous prejudices against people with brain injuries which leads to distrust, avoidance and in extreme cases to social exclusion. Is it possible to have a high-quality and meaningful life also after severe traumatic brain injury? Yes. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     BRAIN INJURIES