Author/Editor     Šćepanović, Darija; Žgur, Lidija
Title     Fizioterapevtska obravnava nosečnice in ženske po porodu z bolečino v hrbtenici in medenici
Translated title     Physiotherapy management for low back and pelvic pain for pregnant woman and puerpera
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 115-24
Language     slo
Abstract     Low back pain and pelvic pain are probably the most common musculoskeletal problems associated with pregnancy. The introduction discusses the prevalence of low back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy and postpartum, followed by possibilities of conservative treatment for low back pain and pelvic pain, and its efficacy on the basis of scientific evidence from literature. The second section of the article presents the programme of therapeutic exercises for spinal and pelvic stabilization as one of the most recent physiotherapeutic approaches in the management of low back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy and postpartum. The four stage programme used is based on the observation that instability of the pelvis and lumbar spine is of major importance for the evolution of pain in this portion of the body. The final section of the article gives a few guidelines for physiotherapy management of postnatal women with low back pain and pelvic pain.
Summary     Bolečina v hrbtenici in medenici v nosečnosti je verjetno ena izmed najpogostejših mišično-skeletnih težav, s katerimi se srečujejo nosečnice. Uvodoma je podana pogostnost bolečine v hrbtenici in medenici v nosečnosti in po porodu. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene možnosti konzervativnega zdravljenja bolečine v hrbtenici in medenici in na podlagi znanstvenih dokazov v literaturi podana njihova učinkovitost. Sledi predstavitev programa vaj za stabilizacijo hrbtenice in medenice kot enega novejših pristopov fizioterapije pri bolečini v hrbtenici in medenici v nosečnosti in po porodu. Štiristopenjski program vaj izhaja iz dejstva, da je nestabilnost medeničnega obroča in ledvenega dela hrbtenice eden glavnih vzrokov za nastanek bolečine v medenici in hrbtenici. V zadnjem delu so nakazane smernice za fizioterapevtsko obravnavo žensk po porodu.
Descriptors     PUERPERIUM