Author/Editor     Gold, Douglas G; Miller, Robert C
Title     Metastatic thymoma: a case report of an isolated, intra-abdominal metastasis causing asymptomatic spinal cord compression
Translated title     Prikaz bolnice z metastatskim timomom: solitarna metastaza je povzročila asimptomatsko utesnitev hrbtenjače
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 2
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 141-6
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Although thymomas are characterized histologically by a benign appearance, they have the potential for aggressive local invasion, and occasionally they metastasize. Case report. We describe a 47-year-old woman who recently presented to our clinic with asymptomatic spinal cord compression due to an intra-abdominal metastasis of a thymoma arising as the first site of metasfasis 21 years after the primary tumour was resected. Conclusions. For the patient presented here, radiotherapy and surgery were chosen over systemic therapy as the primary treatment modalities at the time of recurrence for two reasons. First, the patient had a single, isolated metastasis that occurred after a 2-decade disease-free interval; thus, preoperative radiotherapy followed by resection was potentially curative. Second, it was thought, on the basis of the retroperitoneal location of the recurrent tumour immediately below the diaphragm, that it possibly was not a haematogenously disseminated metastasis but a local pleural and lymphatic migration.
Summary     Izhodišča. Čeprav so timomi histološko benigni tumorji, je lokalno njihova rašča lahko zelo agresivna, redko pa tudi metastazirajo. Prikaz primera. Opisujemo primer 47-letne bolnice, ki je bila pred 21 leti radikalno operirana zaradi timoma in nato postoperativno obsevana. K nam je bila napotena zaradi solitarne intraabdomimalne metastaze, ki je povzročala asimptomatsko utesnitev hrbtenjače. Bolnico smo zdravili s preoperativnim radikalnim obsevanjem, ki smo ga načrtovali s pomočjo magnetne resonance in računalniške tomografije, nato pa operirali. Operacija je bila narejena prav tako radikalno, brez zajetih robov. Po zdravljenju nismo opazili nevroloških motenj. Zaključki. Za lokalno zdravljenje z obsevanjem in operacijo smo se odločili, ker je poteklo kar 21 let od zdravljenja prvotnega tumorja in ker smo dopuščali možnost, da se je počasi rastoči tumor širil limfogeno preko plevralnega prostora v retroperitonealni, podobno kot mezoteliom.
Descriptors     THYMOMA