Author/Editor     Bilban, Marjan
Title     Etični kodeks strokovnjakov varnosti in zdravja pri delu
Translated title     Etical code for occupational health and safety professionals
Type     članek
Source     In: Bilban M, editor. Cvahtetovi dnevi javnega zdravja 2005; 2005 jun; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 23-33
Language     slo
Abstract     The basic guidance behind a physicians action is his conscience. In medicine conscience means giving away, humanitarianism and love for humanity. Medicine requires perfection; however there are no perfect people. That is why each and every physician should realize that he is not perfect and does not know everything. All professions require professional ethics. A physicians conscience needs to be more alert than others, as it is dealing with health, human integrity and human life. Medical ethics and deontology create a theoretical basis for measures that are used in the sensitive area of medicine to judge what is right and wrong in the daily medical practice and in the actions of medical staff. Some medical branches require more rigorous ethical standards, as there is more direct contact with the patient, his family and his living or working environment. This is the motive for these branches to create their own ethical codes of public activity. The International Code for Occupational Health Professionals is useful to many professional groups that are responsible for occupational health and safety and the healthy environment in private and public enterprises and institutions. The purpose of occupational health and safety is to serve the health and prosperity of individuals and collectives. The activities of occupational health and safety must be in accordance with the highest professional standards and ethical principles.