Author/Editor     Zakotnik, Breda; Čižman, Milan; Tomažič, Janez
Title     Cepljenje pri bolnikih s presajenimi čvrstimi organi in krvotvornimi matičnimi celicami
Translated title     Vaccination in solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients
Type     članek
Source     In: Beović B, Strle F, Čižman M, editors. Okužbe pri transplatirancih. Novosti v infektologiji. Infektološki simpozij 2005; 2005 mar; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Sekcija za kemoterapijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 231-41
Language     slo
Abstract     Immunization of stem cell and solid organ transplant recipients is important mean of preventing infectious diseases. The vaccination protects the children and adults against vaccine preventable infections during early and late posttransplant period and adds to herd immunity in the population. However it should be noted that immunogenecity of vaccines could be suboptimal or even be hazardous in the case of attenuated live vaccines and live viral vaccines are contraindicated while immunosuppressive therapy is administered. Areview of recommended vaccines after stem cell and solid organ transplantation is presented.