Author/Editor     Rotar-Pavlič, Danica
Title     Strah pred rakom in kancerofobija
Translated title     Fear of cancer and cancerophobia
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 39-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Like the majority of other diseases, cancerophobia is a disease of various levels of intensity, ranging from a simple and sometimes grounded fear of cancer to true cancerophobia that interferes with a person's everyday activities. The task of familv medicine practitioners is therefore to eliminate simple fear of cancer and in particular to identify those patients who need specialist care. Fear of cancer can have serious consequences. It is an obstacle to seeking medical assistance - people can either visit a doctor too late (because fear paralyses them) or burden the health service for nothing. The task of doctors is to ask the patient during a consultation what he/she is really afraid of. This question is often followed by a surprising finding that long-lasting nonspecific bur persistent problems may be the reason for developing fear of cancer. A special group includes patients with a cured malignant disease and those having false positive results of screening. However, this type of fear should not be neglected while waiting for the results of screening and diagnostic examinations.
Summary     Tako kot pri večini drugih bolezni je tudi kancerofobija bolezen z različno stopnjo intenzivnosti, ki sega od preprostega strahu pred rakom do prave kancerofobije, ki omejuje človeka v vsakodncvnih dejavnostih. Zaradi tega vidim nalogo zdravnika družinske medicine v reševanju preprostih strahov pred rakom in opredelitvi tistih bolnikov, ki rabijo specialistično oskrbo. Strah pred rakom ima lahko tudi resne posledice. V blagi obliki namreč ovira iskanje pomoči, ljudje se javijo bodisi prepozno (ker jih ohromi) ali pa po nepotrebnem obremenjujejo zdravstveno službo. Pomembno poslanstvo zdravnika je skrb, da bolnika med obiskom v ordinaciji aktivno povpraša, česa se boji. Pogosto vprašanju sledi presenečenje, da dolgotrajnim nespecifičnim težavam, ki se nikamor ne premaknejo, botruje strah pred rakom. Posebno skupino predstavljajo bolniki, pri katerih je maligno obolenje zazdravljeno, in tisti z lažno pozitivnimi izvidi pri presejanju. Ne smemo zanemariti strahu pri čakanju na izvid presejanja in čakanju na diagnostične preiskave.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS