Author/Editor     Kores-Plesničar, Blanka
Title     Depresija, tesnobnost in kronična bolečina
Translated title     Depression, anxiety and chronic pain
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 55-60
Language     slo
Abstract     Chronic depression can be manifested in the form of various emotional and physical symptoms, often including chronic physical pain. Almost half of all people suffering from depression experience comorbid symptoms, such as pain and discomfort. The relationship between chronic pain and depression is complex and requires further research and definition. It is important for physicians to remain aware of the role that one condition may play in the development of anuther. In treating comorbid depression or anxiety with painful physical symptoms, physicians should strive for complete remission of all symptoms. Some new encouraging treatment options are emerging.
Summary     Kronična depresija se lahko izrazi v številnih čustvenih in telesnih simptomih, ki pogosto vključujejo kronično telesno bolečino. Skoraj polovica vseh oseb z depresijo ima izkušnje s takšnimi simptomi bolečine in neugodja. Povezava med kronično bolečino in depresijo je kompleksna ter potrebuje nadaljnje raziskovanje in opredelitev. Pomembno je, da so zdravniki pozorni na vlogo, ki jo ima eno stanje v drugem. V zdravljenju sopojavnosti depresije in tesnobnosti zbolečimi telesnimi simptomi morajo zdravniki stremeti k popolni odsotnosti vseh simptomov. Pojavljajo se nove obetajoče terapevtske možnosti.
Descriptors     PAIN