Author/Editor     Kolšek, Marko
Title     Sporočilo v steklenici
Translated title     Massage in the bottle
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 183-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The author briefly describes problems related to alcohol consumption in Slovenia and discusses the collaboration of the Department of Family Medicine of the Ljubljana Medical Faculty in the phase IV collaborative project of the World Health Organisation on alcohol related issues. One part of this project is the project entitled Message in the bottle that is run by this Department in collaboration with the Art Academy and the Faculty for Social Work. The course of this broad project is described. Its main aim is to reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems. The project Message in the bottle has passed through four phases since autumn 2003, during which the general population and professionals were informed and made aware of the current views and recommendations on alcohol drinking. Various products were prepared, such as leaflets, brochures, posters for different types of exhibitions, animated spots, a manual for family physicians and workshops on health behaviour change counseling. At the end of the article, a minimal uniform list is presented containing information and recommendations on alcohol consumption, which should be distributed to the general population by all physicians. Finally, a very important role of family physicians in the early identification of hazardous and harmful alcohol drinking, along with proper counseling are stressed.
Summary     Avtor kratko predstavlja problematiko pitja alkohola v Sloveniji in opiše vključitev Katedre za družinsko medicino Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani v 4. fazo kolaborativnega projekta Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije, ki je povezan s to problematiko. Del tega projekta je akcija »Sporočilo v steklenici«, ki jo izvaja Katedra v sodelovanju z Akademijo za likovno umetnost in Fakulteto za socialno delo. Avtor opisuje potek široko zastavljene akcije, katere osnovni namen je zmanjšanje rabe alkohola in zmanjšanje škodljivih posledic rabe alkohola. Akcija je imela od jeseni leta 2003 do sedaj štiri faze. V njih so z različnimi pristopi obveščali in ozaveščali ljudi in strokovnjake o sodobnih pogledih in priporočilih glede pitja alkohola. Pripravili so zloženke, brošure, plakate za različne oblike razstav, animirane oglase, priročnik za zdravnike družinske medicine ter učne delavnice za učenje svetovanja za spremembo vedenja, povezanega z zdravjem. Na koncu avtor predstavlja minimalni nabor osnovnih informacij in priporočil glede pitja alkohola, ki bi jih morali sporočati ljudem vsi zdravniki enotno, in poudarja izjemno pomembno vlogo zdravnikov družinske medicine pri zgodnjem odkrivanju tveganega in škodljivega pitja alkohola ter ustreznem svetovanju bolnikom.
Descriptors     ALCOHOL DRINKING