Author/Editor     Hafner, B; Zupan, A
Title     Primerjava dveh metod za oceno zmogljivosti roke pri osebah z živčnomišičnimi boleznimi
Translated title     The comparison of two methods for evaluation of hand strength in people with neuromuscular diseases
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 16-20
Language     slo
Abstract     Objectives: The purpose of this paper was to define adequacy of dynamometry and the new, recently described as the so-called grip-force tracking system and in addition preferences and deficiencies by using them to evaluate people with NMD. Methods: Results, obtained by from measuring with dynamometry and grip-force tracking system, were used to fmd out differences between the above mentioned methods. They were tested in 20 people with NMD aged 23 to 59 years, started with dynamometry (right and left hand) and concluded with grip-force tracking system. For statistical correlation and significance between the two methods Pearson's correlation coefficient and t test were used. Results: Results showed higher mean values for each grip measured with dynamometry and high correlation between tested methods. Conclusion: Study showed that values of different grips measured with grip-force tracking system are more accurate and objective, so the grip-force tracking system is more adequate method for people with NMD. In the opposite, the dynamometry is more usable because of its simplicity, adaptability and relative low price of instrument.
Summary     Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ustreznost dveh merilnih metod za oceno zmogljivosti različnih prijemov roke pri osebah z živčnomišičnimi boleznimi, in sicer dinamometrije in tako imenovanega merilnega sistema, ter prednosti in pomanjkljivosti vsake. Metode dela: Za ugotavljanje razlik med ocenjevalnima metodama smo uporabili rezultate, ki smo jih dobili z merjenjem zmogljivosti različnih prijemov s pomočjo omenjenih metod. Meritve smo naredili na 20 osebah z živčnomišičnimi boleznimi, starih od 23 do 59 let, najprej z dinamometrijo (desno in levo), potem pa po istem postopku z merilnim sistemom. Statistično primerjavo med ocenjevalnima metodama smo naredili s pomočjo izračuna koeficienta korelacije po Pearsonu in testa t. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so zmogljivosti posameznih prijemov, izmerjenih z dinamometrijo, v povprečju višje od tistih, izmerjenih z merilnim sistemom, vendar je ugotovljena visoka korelacija med metodama. Sklep: Raziskava je pokazala, da daje merilni sistem bolj natančne in objektivne ocene zmogljivosti posameznih prijemov in je zato pri osebah z živčnomišičnimi boleznimi bolj ustrezna ocenjevalna metoda od dinamometrije. Dinamometrija pa ima v primerjavi z merilnim sistemom prednost zaradi preproste uporabe, prilagodljivosti in razmeroma nizke cene dinamometrov.