Author/Editor     Kunčič-Mandelc, Judita; Barovič, Vesna
Title     Dnevna bolnišnica
Translated title     Outpatient surgery
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 2
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 185-203
Language     slo
Abstract     The beginnings of outpatient surgical activities performed under general anesthesia date back to the early years of the twentieth century. In the 1980's, interest in this activity was revived also because newer anesthesia techniques enabled high-quafity and cost-efficient care of surgical outpatients. The advantages of these activities include the smallest possible interference with the rhythm of everyday life of the patients undergoing surgery at a day clinic, reduced risk of hospital infections among surgical patients and better management of daily care costs. Organisation of a surgical day clinic at the Jesenice General Hospital was a major and complicated organisational and professional undertaking, which had a single goal: to ensure high-quality and safe patient health care. Along with the provision of appropriate premises and equipment, and careful monitoring of patients using clinical paths, daily adjustment of activities to the set goals was also necessary. The evaluation of results achieved after one year of operation comprised an organisational, medical and economic evaluation, along with the evaluation of patient satisfaction and satisfaction of the day clinic staff. In spite of positive results, new challenges and tasks are arising, which are related to further improvement of the quality of patient care.
Summary     Začetki ambulantne kirurške dejavnosti v splošni anesteziji segajo v zgodnja leta dvajsetega stoletja. V osemdesetih letih se je zanimanje za to dejavnost oživilo tudi zato, ker novejše anestezijske tehnike omogočajo kakovostno in stroškovno učinkovito oskrbo ambulantnega kirurškega bolnika. Prednosti take dejavnosti so najmanjše možno poseganje v vsakodnevni življenjski ritem bolnika, ki je v dnevni bolnišnici operiran, zmanjšana možnost bolnišničnih okužb kirurških bolnikov in boljše obvladovanje stroškov zdravstvene oskrbe. Organizacija dnevne bolnišnice v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice je bila velik in zapleten organizacijski in strokovni proces, ki je imel en sam cilj: zagotoviti bolnikom kakovostno in varno oskrbo. Poleg zagotavljanja ustreznih prostorov in opreme in natančnega spremljanja bolnika s pomočjo klinične poti je bilo potrebno dnevno prilagajanje dejavnosti zastavljenim ciljem. Vrednotenje doseženega po enem letu delovanja je obsegalo organizacijsko, strokovno in ekonomsko evalvacijo ter oceno zadovoljstva bolnikov in osebja dnevne bolnišnice. Kljub ugodnim dosežkom se odpirajo novi izzivi in naloge, ki naj bi kakovost oskrbe bolnikov še izboljšali.