Author/Editor     Lipovec, A; Ihan-Hren, N
Title     Epidemiološke značilnosti odontogenih keratocist
Translated title     Epidemiological characteristics of odontogenic keratocysts
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 60, št. 3-5
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 304-12
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Jaw cysts are a common pathology. Within this entity, odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) represent a special subgroup, characterized by aggressive growth and recurrence. Material and method: The frequency and characteristics of OKCs were evaluated in a retrospective survey of all jaw cysts treated surgically at the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery in Ljubljana in the years 1994-2003. Results: Among 992 jaw cysts treated during the study period, 106 (10.6%) were identified as OKCs on histopathological examination. The lesions were removed from 90 patients, of whom 51 (56.7%) were males and 39 (43.3%) females. The patients' mean age at the time of treatment was 36 years (range 7-83 yrs). Seventy-four OKCs (69.8%) occurred in the lower jaw and 32 (30.2%) in the upper jaw. The most common locations were the angles and vertical branches of the lower jaw; 49 cysts (46.2%) were found in these areas, while a third occurred in an unusual location. After initial removal, the lesion recurred in 20 patients (22.2%). Most first recurrences (70%) were noted within 5 years of initial treatment, at a mean interval of 4 years and 7 months after the first operation. Multiple recurrences were observed in nine patients (10%). Five patients suffered from basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome). Conclusions: The proportion of OKCs among all jaw cysts in our present study was significantly higher than in our previous epidemiological survey, suggesting that this pathological entity was formerly underdiagnosed in Slovenia. Our present findings are comparable to the results of similar foreign studies reported in the literature. All cysts removed from jaws should be submitted to histopathological examination.
Summary     Izhodišče: Ciste v čeljustnicah so pogosta patološka sprememba, med njimi predstavljajo odontogene keratociste (OKC) zaradi svoje agresivne rasti in ponavljanja posebno skupino. Material in metoda: Retrospektivno smo ugotavljali pogostnost in značilnosti OKC med 992 različnimi patohistološko potrjenimi cistami čeljustnic, ki so bile kirurško zdravljene na Kliničnem oddelku za maksilofacialno in oralno kirurgijo Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani od začetka leta 1994 do konca leta 2003. Rezultati: Med 992 cistami je bilo 106 OKC (10,6 %). OKC se je pojavila pri 90 bolnikih, od tega 51 moških (56,7 %) in 39 ženskah (43,3 %). Povprečna starost bolnikov z OKC v času njihovega zdravljenja je bila 36 let. Najmlajši bolnik je bil star 7 let, najstarejši 83 let. V spodnjih čeljustnicah je bilo odstranjenih 74 (69,8 %), v zgornjih čeljustnicah pa 32 (30,2 °/) OKC. Glede lokacije so prevladovale OKC v področju kota in navpične veje spodnje čeljustnice, kjer jih je bilo 49 (46,2 %). OKC se je po prvi odstranitvi ponovila pri 20 bolnikih (22,2 %). Prva ponovitev OKC je bila najpogosteje (v 70 %) odkrita v prvih petih letih po zdravljenju, povprečni čas do prve ponovitve je bil 4 leta in 7 mesecev. Večkratne ponovitve OKC so bile pri 9 bolnikih (10 % vseh z OKC). Tretjina OKC je bilo klinično nepričakovana. Ker je ta delež znaten in povezan z netipičnimi lokacijami OKC v čeljustnicah, se je potrebno pri vseh cistah v čeljustnicah odločati za patohistološko dokazovanje. Pri 5 bolnikih je bila OKC sestavni del sindroma nevoidno bazalnoceličnega karcinoma. Zaključek: Delež OKC navidezno kaže na znatno povečanje (3,5-krat) te patologije glede na prejšnje epidemiološke podatke v Sloveniji, kar je predvsem posledica te, prej neprepoznane patološke entitete. Naša raziskava je tako po vzorcu bolnikov kot po epidemioloških rezultatih primerljiva z raziskavami v literaturi.
Descriptors     JAW CYSTS