Author/Editor     Šenk-Erpič, A; Kosem, R; Košir, N
Title     Razvojne okvare sklenine in možnosti njihovega zdravljenja pri otrocih in mladostnikih
Translated title     Treatment options in children and adolescents with developmental enamel defects
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 60, št. 1-2
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 39-50
Language     slo
Abstract     Developmental defects of enamel can be caused by genetic or environmental factors. The latter have systemic and local effects on enamel development. The appearance of the damaged enamel depends on the type of the tooth and the stage at which its development is disturbed. The aims in treating a tooth with defective enamel are to reduce sensitivity, restore function and aesthetic appearance, preserve hard dental tissues, and improve the health of periodontal tissues. The treatment options include application of desensitizing agents, polishing, fissure sealing, plastic restorations, veneers, onlays, full crowns and extraction. The choice of the procedure or material is governed by a number of factors, such as tooth type, the size of enamel defect, the quality of both defective enamel and unaffected parts of the tooth, the presence of sensitivity, and the patient's age.
Summary     Razvojne okvare sklenine lahko povzročijo genetski in okoljski dejavniki. Okoljski dejavniki na razvoj sklenine vplivajo sistemsko ali lokalno. Izgled okvarjene sklenine je odvisen od škodljivosti dejavnika in od razvojne stopnje zoba v obdobju njegovega delovanja. Pri zdravljenju zoba s skleninsko okvaro želimo zmanjšati občutljivost zoba, povrniti funkcijo in estetiko, ohraniti zobna tkiva in izboljšati zdravje obzobnih tkiv. Na voljo so številni posegi: premaz, poliranje, zalivanje fisur, plombiranje, izdelava polne prevleke, onleja in fasete ter ekstrakcija. Na izbiro posega ali materiala vplivajo številni dejavniki, kot so vrsta zoba, obseg okvare, kakovost okvarjene in neokvarjene sklenine, občutljivost zoba ter starost pacienta.