Author/Editor     Frlec, Špela; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Študija samoučinkovitosti v kontekstu delovnega mesta
Translated title     A study of self-efficacy in job-related context
Type     članek
Source     Psihol Obz Ljubl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 35-51
Language     slo
Abstract     The article stems from an attempt to transfer the Bandura's social cognitive theory into organisational praxis. Beliefs of self-efficacy, which is defined as people's judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances, are constructed from 4 principal sources of information: enactive mastery experiences; vicarious experiences that alter efficacy beliefs through transmission of competencies and comparison with the attainment of others; verbal persuasion and allied types of social influences that one possesses certain capabilities; and physiological and affective states from which people partly judge their capableness, strength, and vulnerability to dysfunction. The study of self-efficacy in job-related context involved 295 employees from 3 companies belonging to the same business group. Self-efficacy was assed using Schwarzer's scale, while rating scales were used for assessing the 4 principal sources of influence upon it. First, differences between companies regarding demographic characteristics of the employees, job characteristics and self-efficacy were analyzed. Dependence of employee's self-efficacy on his/her age, gender, education, work experience, employment status, job type and the four principal influence sources was tested using a regression model. Finally, we identified typical employee profiles with respect to the studied factors. We hope that our study will help human-resources specialists design appropriate interventions for developing a resilient sense of self-efficacy in the employees.
Summary     Članek izhaja iz prenosa spoznanj Bandurove socialno kognitivne teorije v delovno prakso v podjetju. Samoučinkovitost, ki je opredeljena kot prepričanje v lastne zmožnosti organiziranja in izvedbe dejanj, potrebnih za doseganje želene ravni delovanja, se oblikuje na podlagi štirih temeljnih virov vplivanja: lastnih dosežkov, nadomestnih izkušenj, verbalnega vpliva okolice ter fiziološkega in emocionalnega vzburjenja. Študijo samoučinkovitosti v kontekstu delovnega mesta smo izvedli v treh podjetjih, ki pripadajo isti poslovni skupini, vanjo pa je bilo vključenih 295 zaposlenih. Samoučinkovitost smo merili s Schwarzerjevo lestvico, za merjenje vplivov na samoučinkovitost pa smo uporabili ocenjevalne lestvice. Najprej smo preučili razlike med podjetji glede na demografske značilnosti zaposlenih, značilnosti delovnega mesta in samoučinkovitost. Odvisnost samoučinkovitosti zaposlenih od njihove starosti, spola, izobrazbe, delovne dobe, zaposlitvenega statusa, tipa delovnega mesta ter štirih temeljnih virov vplivanja smo preizkusili z regresijskim modelom. Na koncu smo identificirali tipične profile zaposlenih glede na obravnavane dejavnike. Upamo, da bo študija pomagala strokovnjakom v organizacijah oblikovati sistematične in uspešne programe izboljšanja samoučinkovitosti zaposlenih.
Descriptors     WORKPLACE