Author/Editor     Šuškovič, Stanislav
Title     Astma pri komorbidnih stanjih
Translated title     Asthma and comorbid states
Type     članek
Source     In: Križman I, editor. Interna medicina 2005: novosti in aktualnosti. Zbornik predavanj 2. kongres Združenja internistov SZD; 2005 okt 21-22; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje internistov,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 65-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Comorbid states in asthma patients could be divided into: - interactions between various drugs against asthma or for the treatment of comorbid states, - unwanted effects of anti-asthma drugs on the patients with asthma, - unwanted effects of anti-asthma drugs on comorbid states, - unwanted effects of drugs used to treat comorbid states on asthma, - potentiations between asthma and comorbid states.
Descriptors     ASTHMA