Author/Editor     Mušič, Ema; Košnik, Mitja; Tomič, Viktorija; Kecelj, Peter; Eržen, Renato; Rozman, Aleš; Letonja, Sašo; Debeljak, Andrej; Osolnik, Katarina; Bajrović, Nisera; Šorli, Jurij
Title     Obnovljene smernice za obravnavo bolnika z zunajbolnišnično pljučnico
Translated title     The renewed guidelines for the treatment of patients with the community acquired pneumonia
Type     članek
Source     In: Križman I, editor. Interna medicina 2005: novosti in aktualnosti. Zbornik predavanj 2. kongres Združenja internistov SZD; 2005 okt 21-22; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje internistov,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 71-87
Language     slo
Abstract     In this year, the Clinic of Respiratory Diseases and Allergy Golnik renews the gudelines for the Community acquired pneumonia (CAP). All Slovene physicians, especially the infectologists were invited to cooperate. The rational diagnostics is presented. The cryteria for CAP intensity assessement toward mild, moderate and severe form of CAP are formed. According to this graduation of CAP intensity, the antibiotic therapy at home and hospitally is suggested.