Author/Editor     Trstenjak-Dernovšek, Alenka; Dodič-Fikfak, Metoda; Arnerić, Niko
Title     Vpliv impulznega hrupa na sluh
Translated title     Impact of impulsive noise on hearing
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 87-105
Language     slo
Abstract     We are exposed to noise in and outside the workplace. The harmful effect of noise affects the auditory organ (aural effects) and the entire organism (extraaural effect). Occasionally, policemen are exposed to noise caused by firearms; such noise has the characteristics of impulsive noise (the peak value ranges from 112.2 to 147.4 dB(C)). Impulsive noise is significantly more harmful than continuous noise. In the period of 18 years, i. e. , from 1987 to 2005, we have monitored a group of 232 policemen and established that 118 policemen (51%) suffered from oceupational damage to hearing of various levels which was more pronouneed in the left than in the right ear, particularly in the frequencies of 6 kHz and 4 kHz. In the observed period, damage to hearing was greater in those policemen who still worked in the police force than in those who had left the police earlier. On average, damage to hearing was observed after 10 years of exposure. In the case of the same exposure to harmful noise, great differences can be observed in individual sensitivity connected with hearing loss.
Summary     Hrupu smo izpostavljeni na delovnem mestu in zunaj delovnega mesta. Škodljiv hrup vpliva na slušni organ (avralni učinki) in na celotni organizem (ekstraavralni učinki). Policisti so občasno izpostavljeni hrupu iz strelnega orožja, ki ima značilnosti impulznega hrupa (konična raven je od 112, 2 do 147,4 dB(C). Impulzni hrup je znano bolj škodljiv kot kontinuiran. V obdobju 18 let od 1987 do 2005 smo v opazovani skupini 232 policistov ugotovili pri 118 (51%) policistih poklicno okvaro sluha različne stopnje, hujšo levo kot desno zlasti v frekvencah 6 kHz in 4 kHz. Večji je bil upad sluha pri stalno zaposlenih na policiji v primerjavi s tistimi, ki so v opazovanem obdobju predčasno zapustili policijo. V povprečju je bil upad sluha po 10 letih izpostavljenosti. Pri enaki izpostavljenosti škodljivemu hrupu obstaja širok razpon razlik v individualni občutljivosti za izgubo sluha.