Author/Editor     Mavrič, Irena; Ravnikar, Maja
Title     A carlavirus serologically closely related to carnation latent virus in Slovenian garlic
Translated title     Karlavirus, serološko soroden latentnemu virusu nageljna, v slovenskem česnu
Type     članek
Source     Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Vol. and No.     Letnik 85, št. 2
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 343-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Three carlaviruses have been reported in garlic: Garlic common latent virus (GCLV), Shallot latent virus (SLV) and a virus closely related to Carnation latent virus (CLV), this last reported in Argentina. We found a carlavirus related to CLV (abbreviation CG) in two Slovenian varieties of garlic that reacted to the homologous titre in EM decoration tests with antisera to CLV but reacted less strongly with antiserum to GCLV. A CLV antiserum absorbed with isolate of GCLV still clearly differentiated between CG, CLV and GCLV. The virus could not be separated from GCLV by mechanical inoculation to differential test plants, but the GCLV/CG mixture gave only local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa and C. murale, and did not infect Nicotiana clevelandii whereas CLV from carnation systemically infects both plants. CG particles were present at a level of about 2 % compared with particles of GCLV and may have been overlooked by other investigators, especially as they react quite strongly with GCLV antiserum.
Summary     Česen okužujejo trije karlavirusi, navadni latentni virus česna (GCLV), latentni virus šalotke (SLV) in virus soroden latentnemu virusu nagelja (CLV). Virus soroden CLV je bil na česnu prvič najden v Argentini. V prispevku poročamo o karlavirusu (v nadaljevanju kot CG) iz dveh slovenskih sort česna. Z imunsko elektronsko mikroskopijo smo ugotovili, da virus reagira do homolognega titra z antiserumom proti CLV in slabše s antiserumom proti GCLV. CLV antiserum, absorbiran z izolatom GCLV, jasno loči med CG, CLV in GCLV. Z mehansko inokulacijo testnih rastlin nismo uspeli ločiti CG od GCLV. Mešanico GCLV/CG smo našli v lokalnih poškodbah na Chenopodium quinoa in C. murale, nismo pa je našli na inokuliranih rastlinah Nicotiana clevelandii, za razliko od CLV iz nagelja, ki obe omenjeni rastlini okužuje sistemsko. Delež CG v mešanici CG/GCLV je bil le okrog 2 % in delci so se močno dekorirali z antiserumom proti GCLV, zato je možno, da je CG prisoten tudi drugod po svetu, vendar so ga zaradi omenjenih lastnosti spregledali.
Descriptors     GARLIC