Author/Editor     Pinter, Žarko; Pinter, Mirijam
Title     Pojasnilna dolžnost v gastroenterologiji
Translated title     Informed consent in gastroenterology
Type     članek
Source     Gastroenterolog
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. 20
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 4-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Informed consent is a physician's duty and the basis of good clinical practice. Whenever possible, we have to allow the patient to preserve sense of responsibility for his or her health. Thus we have to understand the duty of explaining rel evant information to a patient as a prolection from patients' complaints and lawsuits over medical malpractice. The most important part of the expla nation is each physician's duty to asses if the patient understands the nature of the illness, the reasons for the necessary clinical tests and the therapy. Even if the patient signs a written state ment and with the signature gives formal consent to the intervention that does not mean that the informed consent is valid. The consent is invalid if it is established that the patient did not get adequate explanation or did not clearly under stand it. The explanation patients want or have to get should include: - an explanation of the diagnosis and the prognosis of the illness, - posibilities of further therapy, - an explanation of individual diagnostic procedures and their risks and benefits, - a notice when a clinical test or investigation is still in the stage of medical research, - a notice of possible side effects, - the name of the physician taking care of the patient, - a notice that medical students or residents will be present, - a notice, that the patient can any time change the opinion about the course of treatment, - a notice, that patient can ask for a "second opinion.
Summary     Pojasnilna dolžnost je temeljni kamen dobre klinične prakse. Vedno, kadar obstoja možnost moramo dopustiti, da bolniki ohranjajo čut odgovornosti za svoje zdravje. Tako moramo razumeti pojasnilno dolžnost kot zaščito pred pritožbami bolnikov in tožbami zaradi suma na strokovno napako. Najvažnejši del pojasnila je dolžnost vsakega zdravnika, da se prepriča ali je bolnik razumel naravo bolezni, vzrok za izvedlo potrebnih preiskav in terapijo. Tudi, če bolnik podpiše izjavo in da s tem formalno pristanek na poseg, to še ne pomeni, da je privolitev veljavna, če se ugotovi, da pacient ni dobil dovolj ustrezno pojasnilo ali pa razlage ni zadovoljivo razumel. Obvestilo, ki bi ga želeli ali pa morali prejeti pacienti naj vsebuje: - razlago diagnoze in prognoze bolezni, - negotovosti pri postavitvi diagnoze, - možnosti nadaljnje terapije, - razlago posameznih diagnostičnih postopkov in njihove prednosti oz. pomanjkljivosti, - obvestilo v primeru, če bi bila preiskava še v fazi raziskave, - obvestilo o možnih stranskih učinkih, - ime zdravnika, ki bo skrbel za pacienta, - ali bodo prisotni mladi zdravniki, ki so v fazi izobraževanja, - opombo, da pacienti lahko kadarkoli spremenijo svoje mnenje o poteku zdravljenja, - opombo, da pacienti lahko zahtevajo "drugo mnenje".