Author/Editor     Benedičič, Ana
Title     Dermatitis perioralis
Type     članek
Source     In: Miljković J, editor. Strokovno srečanje z mednarodno udeležbo 3. dermatološki dnevi; 2005 nov 11-12; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 162-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Perioral dermatitis is a distinct clinical entity because of its localisation and its age and sex distribution. It appears as a persistent erythematous eruption composed of tiny papules and papulopustules distributed primarily around the mouth. Without treatment, it tends to run a fluctuating course. The precise cause of perioral dermatitis remains unknown. Perioral dermatitis responds promptly to tetracycline-type antibiotics. Systemic erythromycin is an alternative for those who cannot be treated with tetracycline. Isotretinoin is needed to treat a granulomatous form of perioral dermatitis successfully. Topical metronidazole or erythromycin are helpful, but both generally fail to provide the rapid improvement of oral therapy. Local corticosteroids are contraindicated. There is no guaranteed way to prevent perioral dermatitis, but the relapses are rear if the use of corticosteroids is stopped completely and th euse of cosmetics is limited.