Author/Editor     Paro-Panjan, D
Title     Nevrološki pregled novorojenčka po Amiel-Tisonovi: diagnostična in prognostična vrednost
Translated title     Amiel-Tison neurological assessment: diagnostic and prognostic value
Type     članek
Source     In: Burja S, editor. Možgani, ranjeni v zgodnjem razvoju otroka. Zbornik predavanj Mednarodna znanstvena konference Učna delavnica s področja slikovne diagnostike z ultrazvokom; 2005 dec 9-10; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 99-104
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Recognition of neurological dysfunction in the newborn is difficult as the clinical signs of the disease are not specific. Different neurological examinations have been proposed and the choice depends on the goal of the examination and on personal preferences. The Amiel-Tison neurological assessment of the newborn at term (ATNA) is based on the understanding of the anatomical and physiological basis of the developing motor pathways, their function, and on the timing and direction of their myelination. Conclusions: ATNA was proven to be useful in recognising children who have normal neurological and developmental outcome despite risk factors for brain damage. The profile of neurological signs and signs of prenatal brain damage are helpful towards aetiological definition and timing of brain lesion. ATNA is a sensitive method for detecting children with ultrasound and neurophysiological abnormalities. The neurological and developmental outcome is correlated with the grades of severity and the profile of neurological signs. Signs of prenatal brain damage and a static neurological profile are highly specific for detecting children with moderate and severe neurological deficits and those with severely retarded motor development.
Descriptors     BRAIN DISEASES