Author/Editor     Vatovec, Jagoda; Gros, Anton; Žargi, Miha; Alčin, Branka
Title     Usposabljanje gluhih s pomočjo polževega vsadka - naše izkušnje
Translated title     The management of deafness with cochlear implant - our experience
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 74, št. 11
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 707-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The hearing impairment has an impact on the persons capabilities and has an influence on the quality of life. In the early childhood the acoustic information is indispensable for development of speech and language. The cochlear implant is a biomedical device that enables the deaf to hear but it cannot help all the hearing impaired individuals. Patients and methods. In the period from March 1996 to August 2004 there were 110 deaf patients who were operated on for cochlear implantation. We evaluated the ethiologic factors of deafness, the age at onset of deafness and the benefits of cochlear implant use. Results. Most of the implanted patients were congenitally deaf (60.91%). The most frequent cause of deafness was hereditary hearing loss (30.00%). The period of deafness was in majority (52.72%) less than five years but a few (10.00%) were deaf for more than 15 years. Reimplantation was necessary in four patients. The application and the benefits vary between the individuals but only two gave up the implant all the remainders use it every day. The communication mode in 88 patients is acoustic-oral while in 22 subjects a total method is used. Conclusions. The outcome of management of deafness by cochlear implants is comparable to other centers. Good results in congenitally deaf children support the need for universal neonatal hearing screening.
Summary     Izhodišča. Okvara sluha zmanjšuje posameznikove sposobnosti in vpliva na kakovost življenja. V zgodnjem otroštvu je dober sluh nepogrešljiv za razvoj govora in jezika. Polžev vsadek je tehnična naprava, ki omogoča gluhim, da slišijo, ne pomaga pa vsem gluhim. Bolniki in metode. V obdobju od marca 1996 do avgusta 2004 smo na Kliniki za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo v Ljubljani z operativnim posegom vgradili polžev vsadek 110 gluhim osebam. Ovrednotili smo vzroke gluhosti, čas nastanka okvare sluha in koristnost uporable polževega vsadka. Rezultati. Večina z vgrajenim vsadkom je bila gluha od rojstva (60,91%). Najpogostejši vzrok gluhosti je bila podedovana okvara sluha (30,00%). Obdobje gluhosti je bilo pri večini (52,72%) krajše od petih let, a nekaj (10,00%) jih je bilo gluhih več kot 15 let. Ponovno vsaditev so potrebovale štiri osebe. Uporaba in koristnost polževega vsadka se razlikuje med posamezniki, a opustila sta ga le dva, vsi ostali ga redno uporabljajo. Način sporazumevanja po implantaciji je pri 88 po slušno-govorni poti, totalno metodo pa uporablja 22 oseb. Zaključki. Uspešnost usposabljanja s polževim vsadkom pri naših preiskovancih je primerljiva z rezultati drugih svetovnih centrov, posebno razveseljivi rezultati pri od rojstva gluhih otrocih pa podpirajo zahtevo po uvedbi splošnega presejalnega testa na okvaro sluha pri novorojenčkih.
Descriptors     DEAFNESS