Author/Editor     Hribernik, Marija
Title     Anatomija ledvic
Translated title     Renal anatomy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 3
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 223-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The kidney is a paired organ that is positioned on the lumbocostal triangle of the diaphragm and on the posterior abdominal wall muscles, outside of the peritoneal cavity and within a fibrous capsule and fatty tissue. It is composed of renal cortex containing the renal glomerules and the medulla that consists of renal pyramids. The peaks of these pyramids are surrounded by small renal calyxes which combine to form large renal calyxes and these finally constitute the renal pelvis. At the renal orifice, the pelvis merges with the urether without a clear demarcation line. Arterial blood is led to the kidney by the renal artery, which is a paired branch of the abdominal aorta and branches of perpendicularly, at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. The renal artery and its branches provide for the renal functional and nutritive blood flow.
Summary     Ledvica je paren organ, ki leži na lumbokostalnem trikotniku trebušne prepone in na mišicah zadnje trebušne stene izven peritonealne votline. Obdaja jo vezivna in maščobna ovojnica. Zgrajena je iz ledvične skorje v kateri se nahajajo ledvični glomeruli in iz ledvične sredice, ki jo oblikujejo ledvične piramide. Vrhove piramid obdajajo male ledvične čašice, ki se združujejo v velike ledvične čašice, te pa v ledvični meh. V ledvični lini ledvični meh brez ostre meje preide v sečevod. Arterijsko kri vodi v ledvico ledvična arterija, ki je parna veja trebušne aorte in se od nje odcepi pravokotno v višini drugega ledvenega vretenca. Arterija s svojimi vejami predstavlja hkrati funkcionalni in nutritivni krvni obtok ledvice.
Descriptors     KIDNEY