Author/Editor     Šmit, Majda
Title     Otrokova čustvena doživljanja materine bolezni rak dojke (2. del)
Translated title     Child's emotional experience of mother's disease breast cancer (Part 2)
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 4
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 285-92
Language     slo
Abstract     The present article describes children's experiencing of their mother's breast cancer. The aim of the research was to ascertain how discussing the disease among mother and her children affects their emotional experiencing. The author analyzed case studies of five mothers with breast cancer and their eight children. Data were gathered by interviews, carried out in March 2002. The answers were processed by means of qualitative text analysis. The results revealed prevalent negative emotional experiencing during the periods of diagnostic and treatment process which reveals distress in children when they were told that their mother has fallen ill with breast cancer and about the treatment process. Positive emotional experiencing showed up after the mothers discussed the situation with their children and explained it according to their ability of understanding. In conclusion, the importance of nonverbal communication and candid talking in the family are stressed, as well as their impact upon the quality of life of both, mothers who have fallen ill and their children.
Summary     Članek opisuje, kako so otroci doživljali materino bolezen rak dojke. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako vplivajo pogovori o materini bolezni med materami in otroki na čustvena doživljanja otrok. Avtorica je analizirala študije primera petih mater z rakom dojke in njihovih osmih otrok. Podatki so bili zbrani z intervjuji meseca marca 2002. Zbrani zapisi vseh pogovorov so bili obdelani s kvalitativno analizo besedil. Rezultati so pokazali največji razpon negativnih čustvenih stanj v obdobjih diagnoze in zdravljenja, kar kaže na stisko otrok, ko so izvedeli, da je njihova mati zbolela za rakom dojke in kako bo zdravljena. Pozitivna čustvena stanja so se pojavila, ko so se matere z otroki pogovorile in jim prilagojeno njihovemu razumevanju razložile, kar so vedele o bolezni in zdravljenju. V zaključku je poudarjen pomen poznavanja neverbalne komunikacije in odkritih pogovorov v družini in njihov vpliv na kakovost življenja tako obolelih mater kot njihovih otrok.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS