Author/Editor     Podboj, Jernej; Ihan, Nataša; Beović, Bojana; Čižman, Milan; Jenko, Klemen
Title     Stopenjska obravnava bolnikov s sinuzitisom
Translated title     Stepwise approach to the patients with sinusitis
Type     članek
Source     In: Beović B, Strle F, Čižman M, editors. Stopenjska obravnava najpogostejših okužb. Zbornik predavanj Infektološki simpozij 2006; 2006 mar; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Sekcija za kemoterapijo SZD, Klinika za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 85-95
Language     slo
Abstract     The mucosa of the nasal organ (nasal and paranasal cavities, the nasopharynx) usually responds to the stimuli from the exterior as a whole. Sinusitis sets in with the inflammation of the paranasal cavities and obstruction of the ostia. Sinusitis can be divided into acute and chronic form. Anamnesis and clinical signs are often unspecific, especially in children and to make the correct diagnosis is often difficult. Within differential diagnostic procedure we must first diferentiate between acute viral rinosinusitis and acute and recidivant bacterial sinusitis, because this enables us to choose the right treatment and antibiotic use even though we know that in two thirds of bacterial sinusitis heals spontaneously. Making the right diagnosis and treatment are stepwise. Mostly it is in the hands of pediatrician and general practitioner. Specialists, such as otorinolaringologists, infectologist are consulted in severe course, treatment failures, complications and chronic sinusitis. Maxillofacial surgeon is included in case of odontogeneous maxillary sinusitis.
Descriptors     SINUSITIS