Author/Editor     Jelovšek, Ana Marija; Botica, Milena; Roglič, Igor; Krsnik, Mladen
Title     Sistem izobraževanja zdravstvenih delavcev po vpeljavi laboratorijskega informacijskega sistema na Kliničnem inštitutu za klinično kemijo in biokemijo
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravje na informacijski poti. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2006 apr 9-11; Zreče. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za medicinsko informatiko,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 87-91
Language     slo
Abstract     We are on Clinical Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2000, introduced renovated Modular Laboratorial Information System in Clinical Hospital (MLIS), made from Laboratorial lnformation System (LlS) and of subscriber system HOSPIT, during which are from departments ordered to LIS. At and we were meeting with problems round introdution. Right education of users was large share of problems. First education of users went on next to installation of programme package on workstation. We prepared also theoretical and practical education of users in computer schoolroom after certain time of use of programme. Education occured Standard references for taking away of blood and urine in clinical chemistry in frame of seminar and of seminar Standard recommended for taking away of biological material in clinical chemistry. We introduced participants to wider usability of programme and were warning them against mistakes, that they appeared next to incorrect use. For qualitatively, health and pleasantly work is urgently necessary to prepare person on 'soft' passage, when novelties appear before him. That is why it is important, that beside tehnical and of software solutions, also programme prepares introdutions to new work. We reduce number of stress situations with this and consecutively also number of mistakes and used-up time for identifcation and correction only-these. Beside all listed are appeared of problem also at use of different programme packages of different producers, with more or less analogous functionality vhole on the same workstation. All only was making education of users difficult together and it contributed to lighter and more guality part no way.