Author/Editor     Ðurinec, Martina; Želježić, Davor; Garaj-Vrhovac, Vera
Title     Phytohaemagglutinin as a modelator of DNA repair measured by chromosome aberration analysis in micronucleus assay in ionizing radiation biodosimetry
Translated title     Fitohemaglutinin kot modulator DNK popravljalnih mehanizmov merjenih s številom kromosomskih aberacij in z mikronukleus testom po obsevanju z ionizirajočim sevanjem
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 1
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 43-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. There are some correlations between cell's ability to remove DNA damage and proliferative activity. The aim of this study was to examine the influeace of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) on DNA repair capacity in isolated human lymphocytes exposed to ionizing radiation. Methods. Lymphocytes were isolated from the whole blood using a Ficoll centrifugation. As the source of y-rays 60 Co source Alcon, CGR-MeV was used. To achieve the absorbed dose of 2 Gy a total exposure to radiation lasted for 1.24 minutes at room temperature. Possible differences in DNA repair efficiency were monitored by chromosomal aberration analysis and rnicronucleus assay, 48 and 72 h after the PHA stimulation, respectively. Results. The number of dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments were significantly increased in lymphocytes stimulated by phytohaemagglutinin immediately after the irradiation compared to the cultures where the activator was added after 1, 2 and 4 h. The micronucleus assay did not show any significant differences in the number and distribution of micronuclei regardless of the time when the mitogen activator was added. Conclusions. The observed non-significat decreases in the total number of chromosomal aberration and micronuclei suggest that phytohaemagglutinin does not significantly contribute to the DNA repair.
Summary     Izhodišča. Obstaja korelacija med sposobnostjo popravila poškodb DNK in sposobnostjo delitve celic. Zato je bil namen študije ugotoviti vpliv fitohemaglutinina (PHA) na sposobnost popravila DNK poškodb pri izoliranih humanih limfocitih, obsevanih z ionizirajočim sevanjem. Metode. Limfociti so biti izolirani na Fikol gradientu. Za obsevanje celic smo uporabili 60Co izvor proizvajalca Alcon. Celice so bile obsevane 1,24 minut pri sobni temperaturi, tako smo dosegli absorbirano dozo 2 Gy. Razlike v sposobnosti popravila DNA poškodb smo merili s številom kromosomskih aberacij in z mikronukleus testom 48 in 72 ur po PHA stimulaciji. Rezultati. Število dicentričnih in acentričnih kromosomov je bilo signifikantno povečano pri celicah, ki so bile stimulirane s PHA takoj po obsevanju, ne pa pri celicah, kjer smo dodali PHA 1, 2 ali 4 ur kasneje. Mikronukleus test ni pokazal signifikantnih razlik v distribuciji ne glede na čas dodanega fitohemeglutinina. Zaključek. Rezultati nakazujejo, da fitohemaglutinin ne vpliva signifikantno na popravljalne mehanizme DNK.