Author/Editor     Štrancar, Klelija
Title     Vpliv filozofske misli skozi zgodovino na družbeno konstrukcijo smrti
Translated title     The influence of philosophy on the social construction of death through history
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 1
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 3-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Thinking about depth was rather suppressed in the last decades in the Western civilization. Death retreated from public space to the private one as something horrible and meaningless. But it was not always like that. Death was a part of everyday life, so people talked and thought about it. Therefore we are wondering whether contemporary people's running away from death is not actually fleeing the reality of life itself? And does not life itself become absurd, senseless and worthless in the light of death? In fact we are talking about the essential question in our lives, and the confirmation or the rejection of the meaning of our existence depends an it. In other words, what should our life and lives of other people mean from the perspective of death and dying? Human beings are being built by memories. Memories are history. If we want to understand our present, we have to build it on our meneories - history. If we do not care about history, we are not only deprived of past, but also of present and future. Health workers need a radical revision of the issue of death and dying. Orientation of our action regarding other people depends a great deal an this issue. In this way also our re.spansibility and sensibility in the field of caring, which is the essence of care far a dying person.
Summary     Misel na smrt je bila v zadnjih desetletjih v zahodne civilizacije precej potlačena. Smrt kot nekaj groznega in nesmiselnega se je umaknila iz javnega življenja v zasebno sfero. Toda temu ni bilo vedno tako. O smrti se je razmišljalo in o njej govorilo, ker je bila sprejeta kot del vsakdanjega življenja. Zato se sprašujemo, ali ni bežanje sodobnega človeka pred smrtjo bežanje pred resničnostjo življenja. In ali spričo smrti ne postane tudi življenje absurdno, nesmiselno in brez vrednosti? V bistvu gre za temeljno vprašanje naše eksistence, našega bivanja in od odgovora nanj je odvisna potrditev ali zavrnitev smisla našega obstoja. Ali z drugimi besedami, kaj nam iz perspektive umiranja in smrti pomeni naše življenje in kaj življenje drugih? Človeka gradi spomin, spomin je zgodovina. Če hočemo razumeti našo sedanjost, jo moramo graditi na spominu - zgodovini. Če se ne oziramo v zgodovino, nismo oropani le preteklosti, temveč tudi sedanjosti in prihodnosti. Zdravstveni delavci potrebujemo temeljito poglabljanje glede vprašanja umiranja in smrti. Od tega je v veliki meri odvisna naša usmerjenost delovanja v odnosu do sočloveka. S poglabljanjem vprašanja o umiranju in smrti se veča naša odgovornost in senzibilnost na področju skrbi za umirajočega človeka.
Descriptors     ATTITUDE TO DEATH