Author/Editor     Lipar, Luka; Žižek, David
Title     Retrospektivna analiza zanesljivosti zaznavanja v preddvoru, pojavnosti preddvornih tahiaritmij in načina spodbujanja pri bolnikih s stalnimi srčnimi spodbujevalniki tipa VDD
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 50
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Single lead VDD pacemakers can be applicd safely in patients with atrioventricular block and normal sinus node function. The initial concern is the reliability of P wave sensing using a fleating dipole. Reliable sensing is an essential requirement to provide atrioventricular (AV) synchrony. Loss of AV synchrony potentially affects lhe development of atrial tachyarrhythmias (AT). In case of undersensing or AT there may be a need of mode reprogramming to a single chamber ventricular pacing mode (VVI). Aim. The objective of our analysis was to evaluate long term atrial sensing performance, development of AT and long term VDD mode survival. We also defined primary reasons for mode reprogramming of these pacing systems. Hypothesis. We assumed that long term atrial sensing can be reliable. Incidence of AT in VDD pacing system is low and comparable to that of DDD pacemakers. Pacing mode is not often reprogrammed. Main reason for reprogramming are AT. Methods. 307 patients with implanted VDD pacing system between May 1994 and September 2001 were enrolled retrospectively into our analysis. Using regular control printouts we noted P wave amplitude, atrial sensitivity, lowest P wave amplitude (accounting for at least 1% of P waves), percentage of pathological atrial rate and pacing mode. We evaluated atrial sensing by calculating average P wave amplitudes for each year afrer implantation. We also calculated sensing safety margin as a quotient of lowest P wave and atrial sensitivity. Patients were considered to have AT if the apropriate pacemaker counter »pathological atrial ratea indicated a percentage of 1% or higher during one or more of the follow-up visits. AT-free survival was determined with Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival curve. We noted the year after implantation in which mode reprogramming took place and looked for the reasons in physicians' notes. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)