Author/Editor     Mušič, Ema
Title     Sodobna načela antibiotičnega zdravljenja akutne eksacerbacije kroničnega obstruktivnega bronhitisa
Translated title     Contemporary approach to antibiotic therapy of acute COPD exacerbation
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 49-51
Language     slo
Abstract     Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis is manifested by symptoms, which along with basic everyday therapy also necessitate additional measures and pharmacotherapy, even admission to a hospital. The main symptoms are: increased dyspnea and coughing, with increased daily sputum prcduction and purulent sputum. Exacerbations are often caused by airway infection. The antibiotic is chosen according to the clinicul intensity of the exacerbation and stage of the disease in the stable phase.
Summary     Poslabšanje ali eksacerbacija kroničnega brnnhitisa predstavlja skupek simptomov, zaradi katerih bolnik poleg dnevne bazalne terapije potrebuje dodatne ukrepe in zdravila, neredko celo napotitev v bolnišnico. Osrednji simptomi so: povečana dispneja, povečana dnevna količina sputuma in gnojni sputum. Vzrok poslabšanja je pogosto okužba dihalnih poti. Antibiotike izbiramo glede na klinično stopnjo intenzivnosti poslabšanja in glede na stopnjo bolezni v stabilni fazi.
Descriptors     BRONCHITIS