Author/Editor     Medja, K
Title     Zdravstvena nega otroka z gastrostomo
Translated title     Nursing care of the child with a gastrostomy
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 2
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 91-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is indicated in a child who is unable to consume an adequate amount of food because of illness. It has been shown that feeding a child via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is superior to feeding via a nasogastric tube if long-term inability to feed orally is expected. With good nursing care and proper feeding via the gastrostomy complications are rare. The nursing sister must be properly educated about feeding and gastrostomy care. The nursing sister includes the parents in their child's care immediately so that they are able to take care of the child with a gastrostomy at home as soon as possible.
Summary     Za perkutano endoskopsko gastrostomo se zdravnik odloči pri otroku, ki zaradi bolezni ne more zaužiti dovolj hrane. Perkutana endoskopska gastrostoma se je pri otroku izkazal za boljši način hranjenja kot nazogastrična sonda, kadar pričakujemo dolgotrajno neprehranljivost. Ob dobri zdravstveni negi in pravilnem hranjenju po gastrostomi so zapleti redki. Medicinska sestra mora imeti veliko znanja o hranjenju in negi stome. Medicinska sestra v zdravstveno nego takoj vključi otrokove starše, da jih čim prej usposobi za samostojno nego doma.
Descriptors     GASTROSTOMY