Author/Editor     Rupnik, Maja
Title     Pojav visoko virulentnega večkratno odpornega tipa bakterije Clostridium difficile v Evropi
Translated title     Emergence of a hypervirulent multiresistant type of Clostridium difficile in Europe
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 57-61
Language     slo
Abstract     A new epidemic type of Clostridium difficile has been causing outbreaks with increased disease morbidity and mortality in North America since 2001; in 2004 and 2005 it was also reported in the UK, Netherlands and Belgium. Strains from all geographical regions are closely related andbelong to type BI/NAP1/027. Furthermore, these strains have a deletion in the regulatory gene tcdC and changes in the toxin genes tcdA and tcdB; they also produce an additional, binary toxin and are resistant to fluoroquinolones. To control its further spread, increases in the average infection prevalence should be monitored and fluoroquinolone use should be regarded as an important risk factor and minimized in the case of an outbreak. Moreover, diagnostic laboratories should be capable of isolating and typing C. difficile.
Summary     Nov epidemični tip bakterije Clostridium difficile, ki od leta 2001 povzroča izbruhe z močno povečano obolevnostjo in smrtnostjo v Severni Ameriki, je bil v letih 2004 in 2005 odkrit tudi v Evropi, in sicer v Veliki Britaniji, Belgiji in na Nizozemskem. Sevi iz vseh naštetih geografskih regij so med seboj sorodni in jih uvrščamo v tip BI/NAP1/027. Pri vseh sevih tega tipa najdemo delecijo v regulatornem genu tcdC, spremembe v toksinskih genih tcdA in tcdB, sevi delajo še tretji toksin - binarni toksin - in so odporni proti fluorokinolonom. Da bi lahko nadzorovali nadaljnje širjenje teh visoko virulentnih, večkratno odpornih sevov, je treba spremljati gibanje števila okužb, zmanjšati uporabo fluorokinolonov v primeru izbruha in izolirati ter tipizirati bakterije v diagnostičnem laboratoriju.