Author/Editor     Rajapakse, Renata; Škufca, Mateja
Title     Naraščanje števila pregledov v urgentni službi - ali lahko ugotovimo vzrok?
Translated title     Emergency department overcrowding - can we determine the causes?
Type     članek
Source     In: Gričar M, Vajd R, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja. Zbornik 13. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2006 jun 14-17; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 263-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a worldwide problem, also noted in our Prehospital Emergency Department. The number of all patients increased for 56%, and the number of walk in patients increased for 86% in 14 year period (from 1991 till 2005). The number of referred patients also increased (for 22% in 5 years), although the number of urgent referrals remain almost the same. There is more than one reason for increasing number of patients in emergency departments: aging of population, increased mobility of the population, health care system weaknesses - long waits and lack of diagnostic facilities, people are more exacting and demand more from health care. We could try to solve some causes for ED overcrowding by improving health care system and by increasing awareness in population.