Author/Editor     Testen, Andrej; Bervar, Marjan
Title     Načini zdravljenja tendinoznega panaricija na oddelku za plastično kirurgijo v splošni bolnišnici Maribor
Translated title     Treatment of acute suppurative tenosynovitis in the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery in general hospital Maribor
Type     članek
Source     Med Mes
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 6-7
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 186-91
Language     slo
Abstract     The disease was first described by dr. Bauchet as an acute suppurative tenosynovitis. It is a relatively rare but serious complication of hand injury. When the condition is not treated propperly or when treated too late, the hand functionality is decreased. Most patients seek help, when the simptoms of an acute flexor tendon infection are fully developed. Surgeon atempting to treat this condition should be well versed in hand anatomy. In the year 2002, fourteen patients with fully developed signs of acute suppurative tenosynovitis were treated in the department of plastic surgery in Maribor. Of these 72% regained full function of the affected fingers, the rest, inspite of intensive physical therapy, could not.
Summary     Prvi je bolezen leta 1859 opisal dr. Bauchet, kot akutni gnojni tendovaginitis. Je relativno redek in resen zaplet poškodbe roke v področju prstov. Prepozno in nepravilno zdravljenje se praviloma konča z močno okrnjeno funkcijo. Večina pacientov poišče pomoč, ko so že izraženi vski klinični znaki hude infekcije v področju kit upogibalk prstov. Velik pomen pri zdravljenju predstavlja natančno poznavanje anatomije roke. Na oddelku za plastično in rekonstruktivno kirurgijo smo v letu 2002 oskrbeli 14 pacientov z izraženimi znaki tendinoznega panaricija. V 72% ni bilo opaziti funkcionalnega poslabšanja, pri preostalih pacientih pa je prišlo, kljub fizikalni terapiji, do zaostajanja gibljivosti obolelih prstov.
Descriptors     TENOSYNOVITIS