Author/Editor     Petrovič, Uroš; Mattiazzi, Mojca; Curk, Tomaž; Zupan, Blaž; Križaj, Igor
Title     K orodjem bioinformatike za fenomiko in sistemsko biologijo
Translated title     Towards the bioinformatics tools for phenomics and systems biology
Type     članek
Source     Inform Med Slov Print Ed
Vol. and No.     Letnik 11, št. 1
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 66-71
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of systems biology is systemslevel understanding of biological processes that takes into account complex interactions of genes, proteins and other cell elements. The area of postgenomic biology that deals with the effect of the whole genome on the cell characteristics - a necessary step towards systems biology - is called phenomics. Because of technical limitations in genetic engineering of human cells, the use of model organisms is currently inevitable in phenomics studies. One of the main limitations for the advancement of systems biology is the lack of appropriate bioinformatics tools. The development of these therefore takes place in parallel with the development of new experimental approaches in model organisms, with the ultimate goal to apply them also to human biology.
Summary     Sistemska biologija je veda, katere cilj je razumevanje bioloških procesov na sistemski ravni, z upoštevanjem kompleksnih interakcij med geni, proteini in drugimi elementi celice. Področje post-genomske biologije, ki se ukvarja z vplivom celotnega genoma na lastnosti celice, kar je nujen korak na poti k sistemski biologiji, se imenuje fenomika. Zaradi tehničnih omejitev pri genetski manipulaciji človeških celic je zaenkrat pri raziskavah na področju fenomike nujna uporaba modelnih organizmov. Ena glavnih omejitev za razmah sistemske biologije je pomanjkanje ustreznih orodij bioinformatike, katerih razvoj zato poteka vzporedno z razvojem novih eksperimentalnih pristopov pri modelnih organizmih, s končnim ciljem aplikacije na biologijo človeka.