Author/Editor     Tomažič, Suzana; Silič, Bojana; Leskovec, Vesna
Title     Kronična pooperativna bolečina v križu
Translated title     Chronic postoperative low back pain
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 1-2
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 113-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Chronic failed back surgery sindrome (CFBSS) is an entity, found in 10-40% of patients after back surgery. Primary causes are spondylogenic (central and lateral spinal stenosis, recidivant and rezidual intervertebral hernia, postoperative instability and inflammation, etc.), while the secondary causes are psyhogenic and social factors, inaccurate preoperative patient selection, structural and mechanical causes, as well as an inefficient postoperative rehabilitation programme. Because of both groups of causes being intertwined, early identification of the problem, appropriate diagnostics, and efficient therapy are limited, which contributes to the development of all the consequences of the cronic failed back surgery sindrome.
Summary     Kronična pooperativna ledvena bolečina (KPLB) je entiteta, najdena pri 10-40% bolnikov po operaciji hrbtenice. Primarni vzroki so spondilogeni (centralna in lateralna spinalna stenoza, recidivantna in rezidualna medvretenčna kila, pooperativna nestabilnosti in vnetje,...), sekundarni pa psihogeni in socialni faktorji, neustrezna preoperativna selekcija bolnika, strukturni in mehanični vzroki ter neučinkoviti pooperativni rehabilitacijski program. Glede na prepletenost obojih je pravočasna razpoznava, ustrezna diagnostika in učinkovita terapija omejena, kar prispeva k razvoju vseh posledic kronične ledvene bolečine.
Descriptors     SPINAL STENOSIS