Author/Editor     Miolo, GianMaria; La Mura, Nicoletta; Nigri, Paola; Murrone, Antonio; Da Ronch, Laura; Viel, Elda; Veronesi, Andrea; Lestuzzi, Chiara
Title     The cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy: new prospects for an old problem
Translated title     Kardiotoksičnost kemoterapije. Nove rešitve starega problema
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 149-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Cardiotoxicity caused by chemotherapy, zuith its diverse early and late presentations, can hamper potentially curative or palliative treatments. The drugs most often linked to cardiotoxieity include anthracyclines, trastuzumab, 5 fluorouracil and taxanes, but sorne forms of cardiotoxicity have been described, more or less sporadically, for most antitumour agents. It is likely that the widespread use of the new biological target therapies will lead to the identification of other less known toxic effects. The available data on its incidence and clinical presentation, the pathogetetic mechanisms involved, the diagnosis, prevention and management of cardiac toxieity frorn chemotherapy are briefly reviewed. Conclusions. The identification of novel rnolecular targets zuill increase the number of drugs available for the treatment of neoplastic disease. It will be important to evaluate the side effects related to treatment, particularly in organs with a limited regenerative capability such as the heart. Further studies will therefore be necessary.
Summary     Izhodišča. Kardiotoksičnost, ki jo povzroča kemoterapija ima raznolike zgodnje in kasne oblike. Zmanjšuje možnost učinkovitega zdravljenja z namenom ozdravitve pa tudi paliativnega zdravljenja. Onkološka zdravila, ki jih najpogosteje povezujemo s kadiotoksičnostjo so antraciklini, trastuzumab, 5-flurouracil in taksani. Nekatere oblike kardiotoksičnosti, ki jih lahko povzroča večina protitumorskih zdravil, pa avtorji redko opisujejo in navajajo. Velika verjetnost je, da bo širša uporaba novih bioloških zdravil privedla do odkritja drugih manj poznanih stranskih pojavov. Zaključki. Ker srce razvrščamo med organe z omejeno regeneracijsko sposobnostjo, je pomembno, da poznamo incidenco, klinično sliko in patogene mehanizme, ki so povezani s stranskimi učinki zdravil na srce. To nam lahko pomaga pri ugotavljanju, prevenciji in zdravljenju kardiotoksičnosti, ki jo povzroča kemoterapija. Ob novih načinih zdravljenja so nujno potrebne še nadaljnje raziskave.