Author/Editor     Černe-Zavadlav, Janka
Title     Skupina za samopomoč v organizaciji regijskega društva za pomoč pri demenci GO-Spominčica
Translated title     A self-help group organized by the regional association for assistance with dementia GO-Spominčica
Type     članek
Source     In: Velikonja I, editor. Zdravstveni, pravni in socialni vidiki obravnave oseb z demenco. Zbornik predavanj 4. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2005 mar 31-apr 1; Lipica. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Slovensko združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 185-92
Language     slo
Abstract     The article first reviews the theoretical principles of group work and oi' self-help groups of individuals who take care of patients with dementia. The continuation of the article introduces the network of associations for assistance with dementia within the regional association GO-Spominčica. This part focuses on the presentation of a self-help group of family members of patients with dementia in Nova Gorica.
Descriptors     DEMENTIA