Author/Editor     Zupančič, Andreja; Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Prehranjevalne navade študentov
Translated title     Eating habits of students
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 157-63
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with eating habits of students. Its purpose was to ascertain eating habits of students living outside their primary home and are under different forms of stress. Methods: the pattern is represented by students living in student homer where they can cook and prepare their own meals. In the research, 81 students living in the students home on Cesta v Mestni log in Ljubljana. The inquiry was composed from 34 questions. The data were processed with Microsoft Excel. Body mass index was calculated and the results revealed thnt the students according to the principles of healthy nutrition. Too many of them skip breakfast, the number of daily meals is too low, they do not eat enough vegetables, fruit and fish. They eat too many high calorie snacks. They usually do not prepare their own lunches and eat in restaurants, while they often prepare their own breakfasts and dinners. Only 8% of the inquired do not drink alcohol. Inspite of the assumption that there is enough information on healthy nutrition and that young people are exposed to such information,from kindergarten on, a lot more information aimed at student population would be needed.
Summary     Članek obravnava prehrano študentov. Namen je bil ugotoviti prehranjevalne navade študentov, ki ne živijo v svojih družinah in so obremenjeni z različnimi obveznostmi. Metode: vzorec predstavljajo študentje in študentke, ki živijo v apartmajih, v študentskem domu, kjer imajo možnost kuhanja in pripravljanja hrane. Sodelovalo je 81 študentov študentskega doma Cesta v Mestni Log, Ljubljana. Vprašalnik je vseboval 34 vprašanj. Podatki so bili obdelani v programu Microsoft Excel. Iz podatkov o telesni višini in telesni teži študentov je bil izračunan iredeks telesne mase. Rezultati: pokazalo se je, da prehrana študentov ne izpolnjuje značilnosti zdrare prehrane. Prepogosto izpuščajo zajtrk, zaužijejo premalo dnevnih obrokov, premalo sadja in zelenjave ter premalo rib. Zaužijejo pa preveč različnih visokoenergijskih prigrizkov. Kosil si ne pripravljajo sami, zaužijejo jih v restavracijah, zajtrke in večerje pa si pripravljajo velikokrat sami. Samo okrog 8% anketirancev ne uživa alkoholnih pijač. Sklep: kljub predvidevanju, da je informacij o zdravi prehrani dovolj in da so jih mladi ljudje deležni že od vrtca dalje, bi bilo dobro razmišljati o zdravstvenovzgojnih sporočilih, ciljanih na študentsko populacijo.
Descriptors     STUDENTS