Author/Editor     Štrancar, Klelija
Title     Prostovoljsko delo v okviru paliativne oskrbe
Translated title     Volunteer work in the frames of palliative care
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 165-70
Language     slo
Abstract     The article is based on the experiences stemming from the development and process of volunteer work in hospitals and health centres in Great Britain, Canada, America and Australia, where active volunteer work is being practiced for a long period of time. Experiences date back to the period before programs of palliative have been introduced in hospitals. The article stresses the importance of volunteer work in the frames of palliative care in basic and hospital health care work. As well, precious experiences from the work of the Slovenian association Hospic are mentioned as well. The article presents the results of an opinion study on volunteer work carried out among patients and staff at the Institute of Oncology in January 2006.
Summary     Članek temelji na izkušnjah razvoja in vodenja prostovoljskega dela v bolnišnicah oziroma medicinskih centrh v Veliki Britaniji, Kanadi, Ameriki in Avstraliji. Aktivno prostovoljsko delo poteka v teh državah že vrsto let. lzkušnje segajo še v čas pred uvedbo programov paliativne oskrbe v bolnišnice. Poudarek članka je na pomembnem prispevku prostovoljskega dela v širokem okviru paliativne oskrbe, tako v primarnem kot bolnišničnem zdravstvenem varstvu. Omenjene so tudi dragocene izkušnje prostovoljskega dela v Slovenskem društvu hospic. Predstavljeni so osnovni rezultati mnenjske raziskave o prosrovoljskem delu med zaposlenimi in bolniki na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana, ki je potekala v mesecu januarju 2006.
Descriptors     PALLIATIVE CARE