Author/Editor     Bačar, Cvetka; Koder, Silvo
Title     Farmakoterapija depresivnih motenj
Translated title     Drug treatment options in depression
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 57, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 245-50
Language     slo
Abstract     Although antidepressants have been available for about 50 years we still have lots of gaps in our knowledge about their therapeutic mechanisms. They should be used for any of the three phases of treatment of depressive disorders. The goal of acute treatment is to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of an active episode. The goal of maintenance treatment is to prevent a relaps after the alleviation of symptoms The goal of prophylactic treatment is to prevent the future reoccurrence of new depressive episodes. if we wont drug treatment to be efficient and acceptable to patient, we need to diagnose and to treat depresive dissorders as soon as possible. We should be aware of advantages, limitations and terapeutic mehanisms of antidepressants and use individualized antidepressant medication.
Summary     Čeprav se antidepresivi v klinični praksi uporabljajo že skoraj 50 let, ne vemo vsega o njihovem delovanju. Z njimi zdravimo vse tri faze depresivnih motenj. Cilj farmakoterapije v akutni fazi je ublažiti ali popolnoma odpraviti bolezenske make, pri nadaljevalnem zdravljenju preprečiti relaps in doseči okrevanje, pri vzdrževalnem zdravljenju pa preprečiti ponoven izbruh bolezni. Da bi bilo zdravljenje depresivnih motenj učinkovito in sprejemljivo za bolnika, je potrebno čimprejšnje diagnosticiranje in zdravljenje bolezni, dobro poznavanje prednosti, omejitev in mehanizmov delovanja antidepresivov ter upoštevati individualni pristop pri zdravljenju.