Author/Editor     Mežnar, Brane
Title     Epidemiološki in terapevtski vidik obravnave odraslih, ki so bili v stiku z bolnikom z aktivno tuberkulozo
Translated title     Epidemiological and therapeutical aspects of dealing with adults who were in contact with a patient with active TBC infection
Type     članek
Source     In: Felc Z, Ilijaš-Trofenik A, Bovha K, editors. Tuberkuloza pri nosečnici, novorojenčku in otroku. Krči pri novorojenčku in dojenčku. Zbornik predavanj 4. simpozij in učna delavnica z mednarodno udeležbo Na stičiščih neonatologije; 2006 nov 17-18; Laško. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 73-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In this article the up-to-date epidemiological and therapeutical aspects of dealing with persons who were in contact with a patient with active TBC infection are described. In the circumstances of decreasing prevalence of TBC we would like to direct attention to the importance of early detection of patients with active TBC, their isolation and controlled medical treatment; identification of contacts and algorithms for dealing with the patients with suspicious latent infection and the preventive treatment, as well as the possibility and the importance of appearance of micro epidemics. We present three cases of infected patients, dealing with their contacts and preventive medical treatment of patients with latent tuberculosis infection in Celje in the last two years.
Descriptors     TUBERCULOSIS