Author/Editor     Robida, Andrej; Kociper, Bernarda
Title     Nacionalna politika in vizija za razvoj kakovosti in varnosti v zdravstvu
Type     članek
Source     In: Žargi D, Dolinšek S, Lekič Z, et al, editors. Zbornik referatov 15. letna konferenca Uporabimo najboljše izkušnje za boljše življenje; 2006 nov 9-10; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za kakovost,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 197-200
Language     slo
Abstract     By introducing a quality system in the healthcare system in the Republic of Slovenia, we would like to make it possible for people to access quality and safe healthcare treatment. In this quality system, all care-givers within the healthcare system are to take part. In order to provide doctors, nurses and other healthcare and nonhealthcare staff with daily activities in the field of quality and safety of patients, management must assure appropriate and adequate conditions. We will consider internationally- and European-acknowledged principles of quality and broaden healthcare goals that will influence society in terms of effectiveness, safety, timeliness, efficiency, equity and patient-centred care. Unacceptable levels of variations in clinical outcomes, ineffective and inefficient use of healthcare technologies (underuse, overuse and misuse), high prices for bad quality, dissatisfaction of consumers, inequality of access to healthcare services, waiting times wil be reduced. We will increase the performance of the healthcare system and healthcare organisations, the quality of care, motivation for changing the organisational culture (change of behavior / management), focus on outcomes, training and education,multidisciplinary teamwork and integration of healthcare treatment.